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Holiday Home Management

Holiday Home Management

Our partnered properties deliver the hotel experience

One of the most difficult parts of being a Holiday property host is keeping up with the communications, maintaining a high level of cleanliness, turning over the property, replacing linen, and towels and through cleaning, not to mention dealing with issues and emergency.

This can be even more difficult when you are aren’t local or available, have back-to-back bookings, with guests checking out at 10 am and new ones checking in at 3-4 pm.

This is where North Norfolk Housekeeping step in and takes the hassle out of hosting.

Our cleaning services have a strong reputation and can bring that pristine clean hotel feeling to your homely property. With us, you will always be guest-ready.

Our management cleaning services:

  • Cleaning management is part of our hosting package – this is what our partnered host properties often receive from local cleaning companies:
  • Bathroom cleaning
  • Sink, toilet, bath and shower clean, stainless steel polish, all reachable surfaces wiped, floor cleaning & doors and handles, light switches and glass surfaces, empty trash containers, towels washed and replaced.
  • Kitchen cleaning
  • Dishwashing and rubbish removal, appliance cleaning; oven, microwave, hob, vacuum, dusting, furniture cleaning, floor cleaning & doors and handles, light switches and glass surfaces.
  • Bedroom/s cleaning
  • Floor cleaning & doors and handles, light switches and glass surfaces, bed making and bed sheet change, wood furnishings, door frames and windows, vacuuming, dusting and mopping.
  • Reception/entrance
  • Carpets and rug vacuum + dusting, rubbish removal, cleaning of stairs, railings, and bannister, cleaning of the entrance floor, doors, and handles.

Guest Management

We Manage Guests for Maximum Return 

We’re no strangers to dealing with different types of customers; that’s why all of our properties have a guest rating of 4.7+

We know the different types of guests and know exactly how to meet their expectations, and by taking guest management over, our partnered co-hosts can sit back and watch their yields increase and rating increase.

By partnering with us, The Norfolk Housekeeper will be the local point of contact should guests need assistance while staying in your home, and we’ll cover all the key bases that you just might not have the time for.

Why The Norfolk Housekeeping

  • Periodic deep cleans are also scheduled. Alongside tidying up, our cleaners also restock short-let rentals all in one single visit.
  • Property cleans are performed by experienced and assured cleaners
  • We provide deep surface sanitising to maintain incredible hygiene standards
  • Toiletry restocking and linen replacement
  • Complete coverage across north Norfolk
  • Personal account manager to oversee and keep track of the service

The trend around staycations seems to be picking up more than ever. Our partnered hosts across north Norfolk are experiencing overwhelming amounts of back-to-back bookings.

And whilst this is excellent news from a business perspective, it also adds more pressure to the turnover of properties quickly, effectively and to an increasingly high standard.

North Norfolk Housekeeping combats this by offering an all-inclusive cleaning and Landry service, including cleaning services that ensure your property is ready for the next set of guests

Reach out

Want to find out more? Feel free to send us a message.
